Răzvan Gabriel BOBOC is a lecturer at the Automotive and Transport Engineering (ATE), with teaching activities related to Mechanisms, System Simulation in Automotive Engineering, Electronics, and Automotive Mechatronics. His professional experience is closely related to the project theme: Virtual Reality, Human-Computer Interaction, Mechanical and Robotic Systems. In the Ph.D. thesis, he developed and demonstrated a concept of a natural user interface for assistive robotic applications. He joined the research team of six national and European projects: ROBOCORE, SPINE, NaviEyes, eHeritage, BRAINSPACE, DILSimEV, and two 2 third-party contracts. He recently published several papers in the field of Automotive, Multi-body systems, Human-Computer Interaction in national and international journals and conferences and he is the author of more than 30 publications (7 papers in ISI journals with impact factor).