This page is dedicated to presenting the results of the research project:
Driver-In-the-Loop SIMulation for safety-critical testing scenarios of Electric Vehicles.
This work is supported by a grant of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research, CCCDI – UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-4366, within PNCDI III
Project ID: PED 431
Project partners:
Transilvania University of Brasov, Department of Automotive and Transport Engineering
SIEMENS Industry Software, Brasov

The project is proposing to develop an advanced simulation tool for enhancing the driving experience and for increasing the safety of the vehicles in the new age of semi and fully autonomous cars. The outcome of the project will be a new human-machine interaction paradigm introduced through a real-time decision-making system in which the actions and personal needs of the drivers (acquired and automated competencies) are introduced into the learning process of semi and fully autonomous driving
Scope. The ambition of the project is to introduce the driver’s actions into the decision-making process of semi or fully automated driving, thereby enabling
a) optimal level of intervention in critical conditions (avoiding accidents and increasing safety in various conditions) and
b) preparing the fully automated driving taking into account personalized needs.
The proposed method will facilitate the transitions of control between drivers and (semi)automated vehicles while introducing the acquired and automated competencies of the driver into the learning process of the vehicles. The drivers are usually possessing useful cognitive abilities (processing the available information and making fast decisions), but have also physiological and cognitive limitations (limited visual field or disturbing elements, like phones). The actions of a semi(autonomous) car will always affect the surrounding car’s maneuvers in response, and based on their experience, the human driver can anticipate it.
The project is organized into 6 work packages (WP):

WP1 – Management, project coordination, dissemination
WP2 – Virtual environment generation
WP3 – Driver tracking
WP4 – Electric vehicle model
WP5 – Analyzing, segmenting, and labeling driver’s action in the Driving Simulator
WP6 – Decision making in critical and non-critical driving conditions and proposal for level 4